(oops, sent it directly instead of to the list at first)
On Sun, Sep 2, 2012, at 00:12, lord.buddha(a)gmail.com wrote:
> I now also wonder if the
> presumption of a pattern might cause conflicts with other sources.
> IATA / Microsoft etc.
I think Microsoft's practice has generally been to have extrapolated
rules, hope for the best, and publish a hotfix if it doesn't match. My
(unpatched) Windows 7 machine extends the 2010 rule [Fourth Sunday
October to Last Sunday March] on to infinity. They have published at
least two updates since then that I've been able to find that tweak the
rules, and I haven't verified firsthand but have no particular reason to
doubt they similarly extend the then-latest rules [Fourth Sunday January
to First Sunday March, based on update description text] indefinitely,
and expect to publish further hotfixes.