It's March Madness time for daylight-saving rule changes.
Here's a proposed change to the tz database to keep up with the latest
political development, which affects time stamps starting March 29:
* Latvia and Lithuania will not observe DST, starting this year.
Thanks to Andrei Ivanov for this info.
RCS file: RCS/europe,v
retrieving revision 2000.3
retrieving revision 2000.3.0.1
diff -pu -r2000.3 -r2000.3.0.1
--- europe 2000/03/04 15:31:08 2000.3
+++ europe 2000/03/08 17:48:59 2000.3.0.1
@@ -1135,6 +1135,12 @@ Link Europe/Rome Europe/San_Marino
# 1997-01-21 on transition to Summer time ... established the same order of
# daylight savings time settings as in the States of the European Union.
+# From Andrei Ivanov (2000-03-06):
+# This year Latvia will not switch to Daylight Savings Time (as specified in
+# <a href="">
+# The Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Rep. of Latvia of
+# 29-Feb-2000 (#79)</a>, in Latvian for subscribers only).
Rule Latvia 1989 1996 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
Rule Latvia 1989 1996 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
@@ -1151,7 +1157,8 @@ Zone Europe/Riga 1:36:24 - LMT 1880
3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1989 Mar lastSun 2:00s
2:00 1:00 EEST 1989 Sep lastSun 2:00s
2:00 Latvia EE%sT 1997 Jan 21
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
+ 2:00 EU EE%sT 2000 Feb 29
+ 2:00 - EET
# Liechtenstein
@@ -1178,6 +1185,11 @@ Zone Europe/Vaduz 0:38:04 - LMT 1894 Jun
# motion to give up shifting to summer time in spring, as it was
# already done by Estonia.
+# From Andrei Ivanov (2000-03-06):
+# I've heard that Ministers of three Baltic countries on their summit
+# somewhere in February decided not to switch to summer time starting from
+# this spring.
Zone Europe/Vilnius 1:41:16 - LMT 1880
1:24:00 - WMT 1917 # Warsaw Mean Time
@@ -1192,7 +1204,8 @@ Zone Europe/Vilnius 1:41:16 - LMT 1880
2:00 C-Eur EE%sT 1998
2:00 - EET 1998 Mar 29 1:00u
1:00 EU CE%sT 1999 Oct 31 1:00u
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
+ 2:00 EU EE%sT 2000 Feb
+ 2:00 - EET
# Luxembourg
# Whitman disagrees with most of these dates in minor ways; go with Shanks.
A quote from the 'europe' file:
# Novosibirskaya oblast'.
Zone Asia/Novosibirsk 5:31:40 - LMT 1919 Dec 14 6:00
6:00 - NOVT 1930 Jun 21 # Novosibirsk
7:00 Russia NOV%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
6:00 Russia NOV%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
7:00 Russia NOV%sT 1993 May 23 # say Shanks &
6:00 Russia NOV%sT
# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
# Kemerovskaya oblast', Krasnoyarskij kraj,
# Tajmyrskij (Dolgano-Nenetskij) avtonomnyj okrug, Tomskaya oblast',
# Respublika Tuva, Respublika Khakasiya, Evenkijskij avtonomnyj okrug.
Zone Asia/Krasnoyarsk 6:11:20 - LMT 1920 Jan 6
6:00 - KRAT 1930 Jun 21 # Krasnoyarsk
7:00 Russia KRA%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
6:00 Russia KRA%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
7:00 Russia KRA%sT
In fact, it seems that Tomsk city and Tomskaya oblast' is part of the
Novosibirsk timezone, see and
... the latter, if you don't understand russian, look at the time under the
green horse.
I don't know if this simply means that Tomskaya oblast' changed timezone
since 2001, which is a possibility, that would then require a new timezone.
- Jesper
Jesper Nørgaard Welen
Email: jnorgard(a)
Project Leader (Líder de Proyecto) Software
CIMMYT - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo
Dirección: CIMMYT Int. c/o Jesper Nørgaard
Km. 45, Carretera México-Veracruz
El Batán
Texcoco, Edo. de México
Tel.: +52 (55) 58-04-20-04 ext. 1374
Fax: +52 (55) 58-04-75-58
Tel. Casa: 53-10-05-95 ó 53-10-97-78
Download the shareware program World Time Explorer, I made:
I have investigated the timezones around 1970 on the site, and here are the results. I am attaching a
GIF file of the map I have built based on this information. The red borders
are the modern-time administrative borders, while the green lines are the
timezone borders I have determined, note that some of them are partially
hidden behind the red lines.
There are no big surprises. Most timezones follow modern-day administrative
boundaries, with the exceptions being Xinjiang, Xizang (Tibet), Qinghai,
Gansu, Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia) and Guangdong. There was an exception in
Heliongjiang region on GMT+8.5 where the northern-most county Mohe is on
A few other exceptions were two counties on the Sichuan side of the Xizang -
Sichuan border, counties Dege and Baiyu which lies on the Sichuan side and
are therefore supposed to be GMT+7, Xizang region being GMT+6, but Dege
county is GMT+8 according to while Baiyu county is GMT+6 (could be
true), for the moment I am assuming that those two counties are mistakes in
the data.
The biggest surprise was that region Guangdong were dived in 3 timezones, a
south/west part on GMT+6 (counties Xuwen, Haikang, Suixi, Lianjiang,
Zhanjiang, Wuchuan, Huazhou, Gaozhou, Maoming, Dianbai, Xinyi) a central
part on GMT+7 (counties Yangchun, Yangjiang, Taishan, Kaiping, Xinxing,
Luoding, Yu'nan, Yunfu, Taishan, Deqing and Enping) and a north/east part on
GMT+8 with the rest of the counties.
Zone Asia/Harbin on GMT+8.5: regions Heilongjiang (minus Mohe) and Jilin.
Zone Asia/Shanghai on GMT+8: regions east Nei Mongol, Liaoning, Hebei +
Beijing, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hubei,
Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, north/east Guangdong and Mohe county of
Zone Asia/Chongqing on GMT+7: regions west Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Shaanxi,
east Gansu, west Qinghai, Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan island
and the central part of Guangdong province.
Zone Asia/Urumqi on GMT+6: regions east Xinjiang, west Gansu (counties
Dunhuang, Aksay, Anxi, Subei), west Qinghai, east Xizang (Tibet) and east
Zone Asia/Kashgar on GMT+5: regions west Xinjiang, west Xizang.
- Jesper
Jesper Nørgaard Welen
Email: jnorgard(a)
Project Leader (Líder de Proyecto) Software
CIMMYT - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo
Dirección: CIMMYT Int. c/o Jesper Nørgaard
Km. 45, Carretera México-Veracruz
El Batán
Texcoco, Edo. de México
Tel.: +52 (55) 58-04-20-04 ext. 1374
Fax: +52 (55) 58-04-75-58
Tel. Casa: 53-10-05-95 ó 53-10-97-78
Download the shareware program World Time Explorer, I made:
We received a bug report claiming that the tz database UTC offset for
Asia/Choibalsan (GMT+09:00) is incorrect, and that it should be GMT
+08:00 instead. Different sources appear to disagree with the tz
database on this, e.g.:
both say GMT+08:00.
Do we have any independent confirmation of the correct offset for Asia/
Deborah Goldsmith
Apple Inc.
I'm (belatedly) forwarding this message from vinod L R, who is not on the time zone mailing list.
Those of you who are on the time zone mailing list, please direct replies appropriately.
From: Vinod L R []
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 1:25
To: tz(a)
Subject: Setting time zone in c language
I have a GUI interface ,where in user selects the Area (for ex: Africa) and Zone name(for ex: Cairo).How do i map this /etc/TZ file,as there will be different Area and Zone
to be set.Is there any functions in "C' which would solve my issue or any other method ?
I found that uClibc uses /etc/TZ to set the time zone it does not use /etc/localtime nor does it understand the timezone data .so will changing UCLIBC_TZ_FILE_PATH it to /etc/localtime in uClibc-0.9.29.config file will solve my issue??
how do I map this to /etc/localtime so as to set a valid timezone.
The procedure I tried is :
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo /etc/localtime.
alternatively I find that executing echo CET-1DST >/etc/TZ does work.
Please update me on how to solve this issue in C program ( for ex: Take Africa/Cairo as input and convert to its respective daylight saveing time as above )
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The Company reserves the right to monitor, review and store the content of all messages sent to or from this e-mail address.
I have a GUI interface ,where in user selects the Area (for ex: Africa)
and Zone name(for ex: Cairo).How do i map this /etc/TZ file,as there
will be different Area and Zone
to be set.Is there any functions in "C' which would solve my issue or
any other method ?
I found that uClibc uses /etc/TZ to set the time zone it does not use
/etc/localtime nor does it understand the timezone data .so will
changing UCLIBC_TZ_FILE_PATH it to /etc/localtime in
uClibc-0.9.29.config file will solve my issue??
how do I map this to /etc/localtime so as to set a valid timezone.
The procedure I tried is :
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo /etc/localtime.
alternatively I find that executing echo CET-1DST >/etc/TZ does work.
Please update me on how to solve this issue in C program ( for ex: Take
Africa/Cairo as input and convert to its respective daylight saveing
time as above )
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The Company reserves the right to monitor, review and store the content of all messages sent to or from this e-mail address.
I would also get information from time zones and dst periodes.
Kindly greetings
Risto O. Nykänen
email: ristonykanen(a)
Luukku Plus paketilla pääset eroon tila- ja turvallisuusongelmista.
Hanki Luukku Plus ja helpotat elämääsi.