RE: FW: Romance Time (forwarded with permission)

Hi re "makes me wonder whether that [Windows NT registry] could be edited instead." For Windows NT see the MS note Q176513 (in the MSDN Lbrary CDs or on the web at for an example of ading a timezone to the list in Windows which can be selected from the Time/Date control panel applet. Although it doesn't talk about it in the article I expect you could then save that new subtree (as a .reg file) which can be "executed" on a(nother) user's computer. Dave Turnbull PS Apologies if I've broken etiquette by replying to the wrong names, I'm new on this mailing list. Point me to the FAQ!
-----Original Message----- From: Alex LIVINGSTON [] Sent: 30 June 2000 04:25 To: Antoine Leca Cc:; Tim Stratford Subject: Re: FW: Romance Time (forwarded with permission)
At 18:49 +0200 2000-06-29, Antoine Leca wrote:
From: Tim Stratford [] Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 10:44 AM To: '' Subject: One quick question please....
Dear Arthur David Olson, Today I was doing research concerning a time zone or aspect of time called Romance Time. The research is for one of our software customers and we cannot find much pertaining to the subject at all. Is their some information which you could supply me about the subject or some resources which I could further research? Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.
'Romance' is the name used for Europe/Paris and Europe/Madrid areas in the Windows time zone database.
Hope it helps,
I'm sure someone'll tell me if this is initiating a discussion that is not relevant to the tz mailing list, but it involves keeping track of time on computers...
I'm not a Windows afficionado, and I doubt I'll ever be, but the installation where I work now consists mostly of machines running one version of Windows or another (at this stage mostly Windows NT 4).
As southeastern Australia (where I am) is starting daylight saving considerably earlier this year than hitherto, I was concerned to know how all our Windows boxes (especially our servers) could be made to behave civilly in this circumstance. I asked a colleage this week about whether a suitable patch or update from Microsoft (for NT) was possible, but he said only service packs, which require bringing down the machine, were issued. The only way we could see of getting around the problem was by setting the machines' time zone to "(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia" until the date when NT thinks daylight saving starts in our zone ("... Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne", from memory). Your (Antoine's) mention of "the Windows time zone database" makes me wonder whether that could be edited instead.
I'd also be interested to know if anyone's worked out how to patch Mac OS's Date & Time control panel (presumably its 'cty#' resource) to effect the same adjustment.
Thanks for your attention.
_______________ Alex LIVINGSTON Macintosh and Lotus Notes Support / Information Technology (IT) Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052 / Australia
Facsimile: +61 2 9931-9349 / Telephone: +61 2 9931-9264 Time : UTC+11---[last Mar. Sun.---UTC+10---[last Aug. Sun.---UTC+11---
At midday today, Friday, June 30, time since epoch (1-1-1 at 00:00:00) is 730300.5 days = 1999.49485616 average Gregorian years time until 3rd millennium, 21st century, 201st decade, 2001st year is 184.5 days = .50514384 average Gregorian years

Hi folks,
From: Alex LIVINGSTON [] Sent: 30 June 2000 04:25
I'm sure someone'll tell me if this is initiating a discussion that is not relevant to the tz mailing list, but it involves keeping track of time on computers...
I do not mind, and in fact I'm inclined to think this list is appropriate. However, if I am wrong, I will stop discussing this matter.
As southeastern Australia (where I am) is starting daylight saving considerably earlier this year than hitherto, I was concerned to know how all our Windows boxes (especially our servers) could be made to behave civilly in this circumstance.
This remembers me the problem we add in 1996, when the EU rules changed and Windows 95 (and NT4, IIRC) reflected the old rules...
I asked a colleage this week about whether a suitable patch or update from Microsoft (for NT) was possible, but he said only service packs, which require bringing down the machine, were issued.
Yes, this is what MS is usually doing. Obviously, the meaning of quality in this area is not the same for MS and for Arthur Olson.
The only way we could see of getting around the problem was by setting the machines' time zone to "(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia" until the date when NT thinks daylight saving starts in our zone ("... Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne", from memory). Your (Antoine's) mention of "the Windows time zone database" makes me wonder whether that could be edited instead.
You are correct. Dave Turnbull wrote:
For Windows NT see the MS note Q176513 (in the MSDN Lbrary CDs or on the web at for an example of ading a timezone to the list in Windows which can be selected from the Time/Date control panel applet. Although it doesn't talk about it in the article I expect you could then save that new subtree (as a .reg file) which can be "executed" on a(nother) user's computer.
This is correct, and this is a part of the solution that is easily applied remotely (in fact, the article describes what should be put in a registry script, .reg file, to reset the settings of a timezone; it is quite easy to then distribute this kind of script). Now, the problem is with the values to be inside the "magic" string TZI (the binary value). You can find on the web articles that describes the real structure (that is not difficult to guess), but I know a better way to solve the problem. Microsoft created a long time ago (I believe it was for NT3.1 or 3.5) an GUI applet that permit editing the database. I do not remember a direct URL for the tool, but I downloaded it inside <URL:> (and I hope this URL is stable enough; if not, search after "TZEDIT" or "Time Zone Editor"). Sorry, I do not know how to help you with Mac: I remember doing the changes "manually" with some control panel, but I do not have the Mac at hands to tell more. Antoine
participants (3)
Antoine Leca
Dave Turnbull
Peter Hullah