Hi I have been to your site and wondered if you would consider adding this software to your site. Timesown - World clock and time zone difference calculator A program to tell you what time it is now, in any time zone in the world. You add the countries or your friends names, enter the time difference (once), and you can keep it in your system tray, on the task bar, for easy reach. Great if you use chat programs like ICQ or Messenger, or if you do business with other countries. You will always know what the time is where your friends and contacts live. Features a.. Includes a 'Look up' that calculates most time differences for you. b.. 1 click daylight savings correction for you. c.. Simple installation and easy to use. d.. User choice - customise it to list cities or countries, or even your friends names. e.. List as many places as you want. f.. Auto refresh option - keeps times always up-to-date. g.. Open it as you want it, or leave it in the system tray (by the clock) for easy access. View it and download it from http://hingston.yi.org/chequers/timesown.html direct download http://hingston.yi.org/chequers/timesownzip.exe Shareware Windows95/98/NT/2000 Thanks for your consideration Tom Hingston cheq@xtra.co.nz
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Tom Hingston