The list of timezones of the regions of the Russian Republic of Sakha should be changed in the comments of the TZ 'europe' file. The names of the Sakha regions were determined by someone (not me) in 2003, but according to: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sakha_time_zones.png some regions (called 'ulusy', singular 'ulus') are not in the UTC+9 timezone, but in UTC+10 or UTC+11. A corrected list of the Sakha zones is: YAKT/YAKST: UTC+9 The Sakha districts are: Aldanskij, Amginskij, Anabarskij, Verkhnevilyujskij, Vilyujskij, Gornyj, Zhiganskij, Kobyajskij, Lenskij, Megino-Kangalasskij, Mirninskij, Namskij, Nyurbinskij, Olenyokskij, Olyokminskij, Suntarskij, Tattinskij, Ust'-Aldanskij, Khangalasskij, Churapchinskij, Eveno-Bytantajskij Natsional'nij. VLAT/VLAST: UTC+10 The Sakha districts are: Bulunskij, Verkhoyanskij, Tomponskij, Ust'-Majskij, Ust'-Yanskij. MAGT/MAGST: UTC+11 The Sakha districts are: Abyjskij, Allaikhovskij, Verkhnekolymskij, Momskij, Nizhnekolymskij, Ojmyakonskij, Srednekolymskij. Another point: some regions of Russia were merged with others since 2005. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_subjects_of_Russia Some names were changed, no big deal, except for one instance: a new name. YAKT/YAKST: UTC+9 Zabajkal'skij kraj This name should be added to the list in the comments. This 'kraj' is the merger of the Aginskij Buryatskij avtonomnyj okrug and the Chitinskaya oblast'. These names and the rest of the names can be left as they are in the comments. A complete list of the Russian zones (and others) can be found at my page: http://home-4.tiscali.nl/~t876506/Multizones.html Oscar van Vlijmen