Australian time zones are not displaying correct short timezone name for DST

I am emailing a request for a correction to the timezone data. We have customers reporting this issue. Sun Microsystems has suggested I contact your organization directly with this request. Thank you for your consideration. A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM : Australian time zones are not displaying correct short timezone name for DST, i.e., EDT vs EST and CDT vs CST. _________________________________ Anita M. Lewis Senior Software Engineer Metasys User Experience Building Efficiency Johnson Controls 507 E. Michigan St. M36 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0423 Tel : (414)524-5950 Fax : (414)524-5810 Email :

I'm forwarding this message from Anita M. Lewis, who is not on the time zone mailing list. Those of you who are on the list, please direct replies appropriately. --ado From: [] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 9:45 To: Cc: Subject: Australian time zones are not displaying correct short timezone name for DST I am emailing a request for a correction to the timezone data. We have customers reporting this issue. Sun Microsystems has suggested I contact your organization directly with this request. Thank you for your consideration. A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM : Australian time zones are not displaying correct short timezone name for DST, i.e., EDT vs EST and CDT vs CST. _________________________________ Anita M. Lewis Senior Software Engineer Metasys User Experience Building Efficiency Johnson Controls 507 E. Michigan St. M36 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0423 Tel : (414)524-5950 Fax : (414)524-5810 Email :
participants (2)
Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E]