Historical material on Saskatchewan

I've attached some historical material on the original of East-Sask. --ado
From seismo!mit-eddie!spock.ee.mcgill!mannix.decnet!burj Fri Mar 6 08:58:05 1987 Received: by elsie.UUCP (5.51/4.7) id AA13319; Fri, 6 Mar 87 08:57:48 EST Received: by seismo.CSS.GOV (5.54/1.14) id AA12469; Fri, 6 Mar 87 05:13:00 EST Received: by harvard.harvard.edu; Fri, 6 Mar 87 05:13:14 EST Received: by EDDIE.MIT.EDU (5.31/4.7) id AA25906; Fri, 6 Mar 87 05:12:12 EST Received: from spock by musocs.cs.mcgill id aa00376; 6 Mar 87 4:40 EST Received: from Mannix.UdeM (mannix.ARPA) by spock.EE.MCGILL (4.12) id AA00684; Fri, 6 Mar 87 04:50:05 est Date: Thu, 5 Mar 87 03:37:17 est From: Justin Bur <seismo!harvard!spock.ee.mcgill!mannix.decnet!burj> Message-Id: <8703050837.AA00977@Mannix.UdeM> Poslfit: poslfit To: musocs!tz%elsie.uucp Subject: DST in Saskatchewan, Canada
The province of Saskatchewan, normally in the Central time zone, has not used daylight savings time for the past several years. I think there was some talk of using it for the first time this year, but I don't remember. I also don't know if DST has never been used in Sask. or if it used to be used some time ago: my source is the national radio schedules of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and my subscription started in 198?. I will send more precise information if I can find it, but it would probably be best to find a local source of information. I *think* sask.uucp is the University of Saskatchewan; I don't have a uucp map handy.
Justin Bur -- Universite de Montreal <burj@iros1.uucp> seismo!think!mosart!mcgill-vision!iros1!burj
From seismo!ihnp4!sask!skorpio.UUCP!peachey Mon Mar 16 21:59:53 1987 Received: by elsie.UUCP (5.51/4.7) id AA00162; Mon, 16 Mar 87 21:59:38 EST Received: from cbosgd.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV (5.54/1.14) with UUCP id AA13632; Mon, 16 Mar 87 17:31:56 EST Received: by cbosgd.MIS.OH.ATT.COM (smail2.2) id AA07856; 16 Mar 87 17:31:04 EST (Mon) Received: by ihnp4.ATT.COM id AA03508; 16 Mar 87 15:10:26 CST (Mon) Received: by sask.USask.UUCP (4.12/USask-2.01/9-Feb-87) id AA24861; Mon, 16 Mar 87 15:03:37 cst Received: by skorpio.USask.UUCP (4.12/USask-2.0/17-Dec-86) id AA02480; Mon, 16 Mar 87 14:54:46 cst Date: Mon, 16 Mar 87 14:54:46 cst From: seismo!ihnp4!skorpio!peachey (Darwyn Peachey) Message-Id: <8703162054.AA02480@skorpio.USask.UUCP> To: elsie!tz Subject: northamerica timezones & Saskatchewan Cc: peachey
If I am reading your "northamerica" (version 3.1) timezone file correctly, it appears to be inaccurate concerning the province of Saskatchewan in Canada. You seem to assume that all of Canada observes the DST rules. In fact, Saskatchewan is always on standard time and has been for several years (up to 20, I'd guess). To be more precise, we are always on daylight time, since we are geographically in the Mountain zone, but we use Central Standard Time year round! Thus, there is always a four hour time difference between us and Hawaii (whereas the temperature difference varies from -130F to +20F).
Darwyn Peachey peachey@sask.UUCP peacheyd@sask.BITNET (306) 966-4909
From seismo!nbires!vianet!devine Tue Mar 17 14:33:32 1987 Received: by elsie.UUCP (5.51/4.7) id AA03816; Tue, 17 Mar 87 14:33:18 EST From: seismo!nbires!vianet!devine Received: from nbires.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV (5.54/1.14) with UUCP id AA14658; Tue, 17 Mar 87 12:36:49 EST Date: Tue, 17 Mar 87 12:36:49 EST Message-Id: <8703171736.AA14658@seismo.CSS.GOV> To: elsie!tz Subject: Re: northamerica timezones & Saskatchewan Cc: devine
Darwyn Peachey peachey@sask.UUCP writes:
If I am reading your "northamerica" (version 3.1) timezone file correctly, it appears to be inaccurate concerning the province of Saskatchewan in Canada. You seem to assume that all of Canada observes the DST rules. In fact, Saskatchewan is always on standard time and has been for several years (up to 20, I'd guess). To be more precise, we are always on daylight time, since we are geographically in the Mountain zone, but we use Central Standard Time year round!
The information I have found on Saskatchewan Daylight Time is this:
1962-1971 Variable (each locality may have done something different) but it seems to be last Sunday in April to last Sunday in October (September in 1960-1)
1972-present? Observed in entire province except in the far-eastern part (that part is on Central Standard time all year) The western part is on the last Sunday in April to last Sunday in October schedule
I don't know where the machine 'skorpio' is but I infer that it is in the Eastern part of Saskatchewan. Does anyone have access to an official publication of Canada that describes DST? Does such a publication exist?
Bob Devine
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