Pulu 'Anau has been added to the time zone mailing list at Pulu's request. This message arrived before Pulu's addition to the list. --ado -----Original Message----- From: Pulu 'Anau [mailto:pulu@infotech.afe.to] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:43 PM To: tz@lecserver.nci.nih.gov Subject: Tonga Daylight Savings Time ENDS... Hi, I'm a system administrator in a country that thinks it's funny to constantly play around with the time. To keep the story short, Tonga decided to create daylight savings time to get a jump on everyone for the new millenium. The law was for 3 years, supposedly to get renewed. It wasn't. Unfortunately, a good number of the systems I maintain (Debian Linux and OpenBSD) would like to believe the government here is reasonable and doesn't play around with stuff like this. Ha! Anyway, when they implemented daylight savings it took me a few hours to find the zone files and recompile them, and I don't think the changes were officially reflected (at least in Debian) for about a year. I don't really know where else to report this, but considering the vast amount of history that's already available in the data files, I hope this mailing list will work. I've modified the australasia file from the data file as below. I'm not a zic expert so I hope it's appropriate. It fixed the issue here, anyway. Also, in the compiled file that was pre-existing on this system (Debian 3.0), the file for Tongatapu had a bunch of junk in it, basically a help file for vi and some other binary data after the zoneinfo... I don't know if it's a debian thing or not, I'm not near the openbsd machines to take a look at them... Just FYI... If this file is going to explode on me at some later date, I'd really appreciate if someone could write back and let me know. Some of my customers rely on this information to do some dialup internet/mail stuff, and explaining they ought to complain to the government doesn't work because most of them are the government. Pulu as a diff from the file australasia in the tzdata2002d.tar.gz (Oct 15): 402,403c402,404 < Rule Tonga 2000 max - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S < Rule Tonga 2001 max - Jan lastSun 2:00 0 - ---> Rule Tonga 2000 2001 - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
Rule Tonga 2001 2002 - Jan lastSun 2:00 0 -> 408c409,410 < 13:00 Tonga TO%sT
13:00 Tonga TO%sT 2003 13:00 - TOT # Daylight savings expirament fails
The appropriate section before: # Tonga # Rule NAME FROM TO TYPE IN ON AT SAVE LETTER/ SRule Tonga 1999 only - Oct 7 2:00s 1:00 S Rule Tonga 2000 only - Mar 19 2:00s 0 - Rule Tonga 2000 max - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S Rule Tonga 2001 max - Jan lastSun 2:00 0 - # Zone NAME GMTOFF RULES FORMAT [UNTIL]Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 12:19:20 - LMT 1901 12:20 - TOT 1941 # Tonga Time 13:00 - TOT 1999 13:00 Tonga TO%sT And after: # Tonga # Rule NAME FROM TO TYPE IN ON AT SAVE LETTER/ SRule Tonga 1999 only - Oct 7 2:00s 1:00 S Rule Tonga 2000 only - Mar 19 2:00s 0 - Rule Tonga 2000 2001 - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S Rule Tonga 2001 2002 - Jan lastSun 2:00 0 - # Zone NAME GMTOFF RULES FORMAT [UNTIL] Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 12:19:20 - LMT 1901 12:20 - TOT 1941 # Tonga Time 13:00 - TOT 1999 13:00 Tonga TO%sT 2003 13:00 - TOT # Daylight savings expirament fails ---- Pulu 'Anau Infotech Tonga Ph: 676-27399

El 6 Nov 2002 a las 11:06, Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) escribió:
Pulu 'Anau has been added to the time zone mailing list at Pulu's request. This message arrived before Pulu's addition to the list.
-----Original Message----- From: Pulu 'Anau [mailto:pulu@infotech.afe.to] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:43 PM To: tz@lecserver.nci.nih.gov Subject: Tonga Daylight Savings Time ENDS...
I'm a system administrator in a country that thinks it's funny to constantly play around with the time. To keep the story short, Tonga Hi Pulu... welcome to the club :-P
Tonga's government is not alone in the world changing DSTs... there are a bunch of them (including mine in Argentina) that every now and then go crazy about it... Brasil changed the date this year because of a second round in the elections... you're not alone :-)
decided to create daylight savings time to get a jump on everyone for the new millenium. The law was for 3 years, supposedly to get renewed. It wasn't. Unfortunately, a good number of the systems I maintain (Debian Linux and OpenBSD) would like to believe the government here is reasonable and doesn't play around with stuff like this. Ha! Distros are usually somehow behind elsie... the most current files are allways at ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/ as tzdata*.tar.gz...
Anyway, when they implemented daylight savings it took me a few hours to find the zone files and recompile them, and I don't think the changes were officially reflected (at least in Debian) for about a year. I don't really know where else to report this, but considering the vast amount of history that's already available in the data files, I hope this mailing list will work. I've modified the australasia file from the data file as below. I'm not a zic expert so I hope it's appropriate. It fixed the issue here, anyway. Also, in the compiled file that was pre-existing on this system (Debian 3.0), the file for Tongatapu had a bunch of junk in it, basically a help file for vi and some other binary data after the zoneinfo... I don't know if it's a debian thing or not, I'm not near the openbsd machines to take a look at them... Just FYI...
Surely Paul Eggert will have a saying about your data.
If this file is going to explode on me at some later date, I'd really appreciate if someone could write back and let me know. Some of my
Keeping in touch with this list is allways a good idea, and providing local info about DST in the countries you know about, better yet, you provide help for the rest of us...
customers rely on this information to do some dialup internet/mail stuff, and explaining they ought to complain to the government doesn't work because most of them are the government. :-D
-- Mariano Absatz - El Baby mailto:baby@baby.com.ar http://www.baby.com.ar/ PGP KEYS: http://www.baby.com.ar/datos/personales.html#claves_pgp |\ _ _\\/'> Powered by Pegasus Mail /|__) http://www.pmail.com ) )\

From: Pulu 'Anau [mailto:pulu@infotech.afe.to] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:43 PM
The law was for 3 years, supposedly to get renewed. It wasn't.
Thanks for letting us know. I'll propagate your fix into the next set of proposed tz patches. Sorry for taking so long to catch up to this.
If this file is going to explode on me at some later date, I'd really appreciate if someone could write back and let me know.
Your fix should work fine. I plan to use the following, though, as it's a tad shorter: # Tonga # Rule NAME FROM TO TYPE IN ON AT SAVE LETTER/S Rule Tonga 1999 only - Oct 7 2:00s 1:00 S Rule Tonga 2000 only - Mar 19 2:00s 0 - Rule Tonga 2000 2001 - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S Rule Tonga 2001 2002 - Jan lastSun 2:00 0 - # Zone NAME GMTOFF RULES FORMAT [UNTIL] Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 12:19:20 - LMT 1901 12:20 - TOT 1941 # Tonga Time 13:00 - TOT 1999 13:00 Tonga TO%sT
participants (3)
Mariano Absatz
Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI)
Paul Eggert