Another developer writing code to use the tz database

Hello, I'd like to express my gratitude and admiration to all the contributors to the time zone database. I am working to make use of the tzdata* information to attach timezone data plus a UTC timestamp to video recordings made by a DVR and to then, during playback, display the correct local time to match the video irrespective of the timezone settings on the playback computer. To fit the needs of the DVR, instead of storing an id string we have to store (at most) a 16-bit integer, so there is a C enum plus lookup table to map from these integer 'tz codes' to string ids that can be matched against the names in the tzdata files. So obviously there is an immediate maintenance need to keep the enum and mapping in step with tzdata - and this has an interesting correspondence to the declared needs of the CLDR project in terms of the stability of the tz id strings... For various reasons, including the need for playback to operate under Windows and to fit the new functionality into an existing code base, I opted to modify 'zic' and all the time functions (localtime etc). The time functions are changed to remove the limitations of the Posix approach (setting a global TZ, formatting one time value, resetting the global TZ...) and to convert the representation from time_t to the one we use internally (effectively Windows FILETIME as a 64-bit value); the results have then been attached to the C++ 'time' classes we use. 'zic' was then modified to change the epoch etc to match FILETIME and then, as I really didn't want to dump a load of settings into the Registry nor create a raft of files to tempt our Users to fiddle, write out a single Zip archive with the compiled tz data. Both of these items - the C library containing the enum and the C++ library with modified 'zic' etc - are Open Source, although I haven't "published" them on any websites or repositories (well, not recently enough to contain these TZ related tweaks). I would welcome any interest in seeing this code, if only to give the impetus to tidy it up well enough to "publish" (although, a warning, this is "Yet Another Pile of Someone's Favourite Stuff" and the TZ materials are currently fairly well integrated into the middle of it all). Regards, Stephen Goudge Transport R&D Petards Joyce-Loebl Gateshead, UK Private, Confidential and Privileged. This e-mail and any files and attachments transmitted with it are confidential and/or privileged. They are intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). The content of this e-mail and any file or attachment transmitted with it may have been changed or altered without the consent of the author. If you are not the intended recipient, please note that any review, dissemination, disclosure, alteration, printing, circulation or transmission of this e-mail and/or any file or attachment transmitted with it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail or any file or attachment transmitted with it in error please notify the IT Manager, Petards Joyce-Loebl Limited, 390 Princesway, Gateshead, NE11 0TU, telephone no: +44 191 4203000. Petards Joyce-Loebl Limited is registered in England under number 2170100 DISCLAIMER: Privileged / Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent to Internet email messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of my company shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by Petards Joyce-Loebl. The service is powered by MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit _____________________________________________________________________________________
participants (1)
Goudge, Stephen