San Luis time change

Unfortunately the below page has become defunct, about the San Luis time change. Perhaps because it now is part of a group of pages "Most important pages of 2008". You can use instead it seems. Or use "Buscador" from the main page of the San Luis government, and fill in "huso" and click OK, and you will get 3 pages from which the first one is identical to the above. - Jesper -----Original Message----- From: Jesper Norgaard Welen [] Sent: Viernes, 18 de Enero de 2008 22:57 To: Subject: San Luis time change this Monday The page of the San Luis provincial government confirms ...

"Jesper Norgaard Welen" <> writes:
Thanks for the pointer. Has anyone been able to confirm what actually happened in San Luis on Monday (January 21) at 00:00? Also, my Spanish is pretty bad. Were they intending to change to UTC-03 for the whole year (as Microsoft suggests), or are they changing to UTC-04 in winter, UTC-03 in summer? The Babelfish translation of the above article suggests the latter, since it keeps talking about the "time zone". In particular this quote: El huso horario que corresponde a nuestra Provincia es el que se encuentra al oeste del meridiano que pasa por la provincia de Córdoba. En ese origen se encuentra la diferencia del huso horario que pasa por la ciudad de Buenos Aires que es un huso horario que tiene una hora de diferencia Before 1920, Argentina used what I've dubbed "Cordoba Mean Time", which was (according to Shanks) UTC-4:16:48; surely they are not intending to revert to _that_!

I haven't been able to confirm with anyone the San Luis time. Still if the documentation is there on the San Luis government web site, it must have gone ahead, I reckon. I think that Babelfish is right in translating "huso horario" with "timezone" although only in the sense of GMT offset, or perhaps in a strip of land on the map, not in the fuller sense of timezone that we use in the tz database, where this entity apart from GMT offset can have a DST rule attached. I agree with the Microsoft view that most likely San Luis just wanted to reinstate what they had before in all Argentina, GMT-3 all year round. If not, San Luis should have made some kind of mention of what will happen March 16 when Buenos Aires returns from GMT-2 to GMT-3. As they do not, I suppose nothing will happen in San Luis. Certainly going back to -4:16:48 as in "Cordoba Mean Time" would be a bad guess, like reading the message as the Devil reads the Bible. But for lack of complete information, we will *have* to guess! - Jesper Nørgaard Welen -----Original Message----- From: Paul Eggert [] Sent: Viernes, 25 de Enero de 2008 17:34 To: Cc: Jesper Norgaard Welen Subject: Re: San Luis time change "Jesper Norgaard Welen" <> writes:
Thanks for the pointer. Has anyone been able to confirm what actually happened in San Luis on Monday (January 21) at 00:00? Also, my Spanish is pretty bad. Were they intending to change to UTC-03 for the whole year (as Microsoft suggests), or are they changing to UTC-04 in winter, UTC-03 in summer? The Babelfish translation of the above article suggests the latter, since it keeps talking about the "time zone". In particular this quote: El huso horario que corresponde a nuestra Provincia es el que se encuentra al oeste del meridiano que pasa por la provincia de Córdoba. En ese origen se encuentra la diferencia del huso horario que pasa por la ciudad de Buenos Aires que es un huso horario que tiene una hora de diferencia Before 1920, Argentina used what I've dubbed "Cordoba Mean Time", which was (according to Shanks) UTC-4:16:48; surely they are not intending to revert to _that_!
participants (2)
Jesper Norgaard Welen
Paul Eggert