Good Morning, I want to inform you that Morocco is not concerned by the transition to the winter time which will take place in Europe on the night of Saturday, October 26 to Sunday, October 27, 2019. Morocco's schedule must stay on GMT+1 The schedule change take place only before and after the month of Ramadan. Best Regards De : Naoufal Semlali Envoyé : jeudi 18 avril 2019 08:27 À : 'Paul Eggert' <eggert@cs.ucla.edu> Cc : Time zone mailing list <tz@iana.org>; Maamar Abdelkader <A.MAAMAR@iam.ma> Objet : RE: Will Morocco switch from +01 to +00 during Ramadan next year? Hello, The predictions below seem to be correct based on the latest official declarations of the Moroccan government. Of course, if there will be any change, we will keep you informed. Thanks. Semlali -----Message d'origine----- De : Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu<mailto:eggert@cs.ucla.edu>> Envoyé : mercredi 17 avril 2019 19:04 À : Naoufal Semlali <N.Semlali@iam.ma<mailto:N.Semlali@iam.ma>> Cc : Time zone mailing list <tz@iana.org<mailto:tz@iana.org>>; Maamar Abdelkader <A.MAAMAR@iam.ma<mailto:A.MAAMAR@iam.ma>> Objet : Re: Will Morocco switch from +01 to +00 during Ramadan next year? On 4/17/19 12:24 AM, Naoufal Semlali wrote:
Please confirm also that the switch to GMT+1 on Sunday, June 9th 2019
at 2 am is already implemented in the tzdata.
Yes, I checked that too. For what it's worth, here are the tzdata 2018h-and-later predictions for Africa/Casablanca through the year 2037. The columns are the date, the hour just after the transition, the UTC offset just after the transition, and (optionally) 1 if (negative) DST is in effect. These predictions could well be wrong: if you have better info please let us know. 2019-05-05 02 +00 1 2019-06-09 03 +01 2020-04-19 02 +00 1 2020-05-24 03 +01 2021-04-11 02 +00 1 2021-05-16 03 +01 2022-03-27 02 +00 1 2022-05-08 03 +01 2023-03-19 02 +00 1 2023-04-23 03 +01 2024-03-10 02 +00 1 2024-04-14 03 +01 2025-02-23 02 +00 1 2025-04-06 03 +01 2026-02-15 02 +00 1 2026-03-22 03 +01 2027-02-07 02 +00 1 2027-03-14 03 +01 2028-01-23 02 +00 1 2028-02-27 03 +01 2029-01-14 02 +00 1 2029-02-18 03 +01 2029-12-30 02 +00 1 2030-02-10 03 +01 2030-12-22 02 +00 1 2031-01-26 03 +01 2031-12-14 02 +00 1 2032-01-18 03 +01 2032-11-28 02 +00 1 2033-01-09 03 +01 2033-11-20 02 +00 1 2033-12-25 03 +01 2034-11-05 02 +00 1 2034-12-17 03 +01 2035-10-28 02 +00 1 2035-12-02 03 +01 2036-10-19 02 +00 1 2036-11-23 03 +01 2037-10-04 02 +00 1 2037-11-15 03 +01 ________________________________ [Description : cid:image002.jpg@01CC9EE4.44A57D10]Eco – geste: privilégiez la sauvegarde électronique, si nécessaire imprimez en recto-verso ________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont adressés à l'attention exclusive de leurs destinataires et sont strictement confidentiels. Si vous le recevez par erreur, merci de le détruire après en avoir informé l'expéditeur sans délai. Toute divulgation, copie ou usage par une personne autre que son destinataire sont interdits. Maroc Telecom décline toute responsabilité pour toute altération, déformation ou falsification subie par le message au cours de sa transmission. Retrouvez toutes les informations de Maroc Telecom sur www.iam.ma<http://www.iam.ma> . ________________________________ This message and its attachments are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and are strictly confidential. If you have received this in error, please delete the material from any computer after having informed the sender. Any copy or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. Maroc Telecom accepts no liability for any alteration, distortion or falsification that may occur during the transmission of this message. All information about Maroc Telecom on www.iam.ma .

We updated Morocco with year-round UTC+1 (except during Ramadan) about a year ago in these commits: https://github.com/eggert/tz/commit/80de44ca0f2349c0f42f12caa943ced8685c3b67 https://github.com/eggert/tz/commit/8539a448ebc8897e40d62f16dc4d0ada3f07b3ca If there are still errors in tz for Morocco in 2018g or later, please let us know. Otherwise, it sounds like you need to update your time zone definitions with a more recent version. -- Tim Parenti On Mon, 30 Sep 2019 at 11:40, Naoufal Semlali <N.Semlali@iam.ma> wrote:
Good Morning,
I want to inform you that Morocco is not concerned by the transition to the winter time which will take place in Europe on the night of Saturday, October 26 to Sunday, October 27, 2019.
Morocco's schedule must stay on GMT+1
The schedule change take place only before and after the month of Ramadan.
Best Regards
*De :* Naoufal Semlali *Envoyé :* jeudi 18 avril 2019 08:27 *À :* 'Paul Eggert' <eggert@cs.ucla.edu> *Cc :* Time zone mailing list <tz@iana.org>; Maamar Abdelkader < A.MAAMAR@iam.ma> *Objet :* RE: Will Morocco switch from +01 to +00 during Ramadan next year?
The predictions below seem to be correct based on the latest official declarations of the Moroccan government.
Of course, if there will be any change, we will keep you informed.
-----Message d'origine----- De : Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu> Envoyé : mercredi 17 avril 2019 19:04 À : Naoufal Semlali <N.Semlali@iam.ma> Cc : Time zone mailing list <tz@iana.org>; Maamar Abdelkader < A.MAAMAR@iam.ma> Objet : Re: Will Morocco switch from +01 to +00 during Ramadan next year?
On 4/17/19 12:24 AM, Naoufal Semlali wrote:
Please confirm also that the switch to GMT+1 on Sunday, June 9th 2019
at 2 am is already implemented in the tzdata.
Yes, I checked that too.
For what it's worth, here are the tzdata 2018h-and-later predictions for Africa/Casablanca through the year 2037. The columns are the date, the hour just after the transition, the UTC offset just after the transition, and (optionally) 1 if (negative) DST is in effect. These predictions could well be wrong: if you have better info please let us know.
2019-05-05 02 +00 1
2019-06-09 03 +01
2020-04-19 02 +00 1
2020-05-24 03 +01
2021-04-11 02 +00 1
2021-05-16 03 +01
2022-03-27 02 +00 1
2022-05-08 03 +01
2023-03-19 02 +00 1
2023-04-23 03 +01
2024-03-10 02 +00 1
2024-04-14 03 +01
2025-02-23 02 +00 1
2025-04-06 03 +01
2026-02-15 02 +00 1
2026-03-22 03 +01
2027-02-07 02 +00 1
2027-03-14 03 +01
2028-01-23 02 +00 1
2028-02-27 03 +01
2029-01-14 02 +00 1
2029-02-18 03 +01
2029-12-30 02 +00 1
2030-02-10 03 +01
2030-12-22 02 +00 1
2031-01-26 03 +01
2031-12-14 02 +00 1
2032-01-18 03 +01
2032-11-28 02 +00 1
2033-01-09 03 +01
2033-11-20 02 +00 1
2033-12-25 03 +01
2034-11-05 02 +00 1
2034-12-17 03 +01
2035-10-28 02 +00 1
2035-12-02 03 +01
2036-10-19 02 +00 1
2036-11-23 03 +01
2037-10-04 02 +00 1
2037-11-15 03 +01
[Description : cid:image002.jpg@01CC9EE4.44A57D10]Eco – geste: privilégiez la sauvegarde électronique, si nécessaire imprimez en recto-verso ________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont adressés à l'attention exclusive de leurs destinataires et sont strictement confidentiels. Si vous le recevez par erreur, merci de le détruire après en avoir informé l'expéditeur sans délai. Toute divulgation, copie ou usage par une personne autre que son destinataire sont interdits. Maroc Telecom décline toute responsabilité pour toute altération, déformation ou falsification subie par le message au cours de sa transmission. Retrouvez toutes les informations de Maroc Telecom sur www.iam.ma . ------------------------------ This message and its attachments are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and are strictly confidential. If you have received this in error, please delete the material from any computer after having informed the sender. Any copy or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. Maroc Telecom accepts no liability for any alteration, distortion or falsification that may occur during the transmission of this message. All information about Maroc Telecom on www.iam.ma .
participants (2)
Naoufal Semlali
Tim Parenti