timezone-related error sparks $340 million lawsuit

In "US man sues Powerball lottery after being told his apparent $340m win was error"[1], Maya Yang reported in today's Guardian that a mistake caused by a quality-assurance team checking timezone configuration for a Powerball lottery website has snowballed into a $340 million lawsuit against the lottery. Due to the mistake, in which a test version of the website was loaded with random numbers, the lottery's production website temporarily displayed the wrong winning numbers. A man whose ticket matched those numbers is now suing the lottery for the $340 million prize, saying he is the rightful winner. Yang reported that the errant QA team was testing "a task involving a changing of time zones for the Powerball website from Coordinated Universal Time to Eastern Standard Time." [1]: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/18/man-sues-powerball-lottery-w...
participants (1)
Paul Eggert