Turkish dispute over date of daylight saving time change

Turkish dispute over date of daylight saving time change http://www.worldbulletin.net/?aType=haber&ArticleID=69929 "Turkey plans to switch to daylight saving time on March 27 at 3 a.m., moving clocks forward one hour to make better use of daylight, but Turkish educators object to the plan because 1.5 million students will take a nationwide exam on that day." Alexander Krivenyshev, http://www.worldtimezone.com

I apologize if this is not the right place to post this message, but didn't know how else to reach people familiar with the zonedata files. My small company, Relative Data, Inc., is in the beta testing stage of a new windows program that uses much of the tz database, including historical transitions, for displaying clocks and researching times and zones in the past and future. It is also an astronomical research tool that allows you to explore UT, wall time, next clock change, local mean time, local apparent time, local sidereal time, terrestrial time, sunrise/set times, moonrise/set times, moon phase times, and season start times, in the past and future for your chosen research dates. This version will be a free product when it is released. A pro version with alarms and openGL astronomical animations will follow later. Since the product uses tz data extensively, I am wondering whether there are one or two people on this list, familiar with the structure of data in tz, that would like to volunteer to help beta test and give me feedback on this product before its released to the public. Feel free to contact me directly, if you are interested. Thanks
participants (2)
Alexander Krivenyshev
David Patte