Here comes the revised version of my example ISO 8601 output routine.
It includes almost all suggestions that I have received plus some more
and I have added test calls that should print on all POSIX systems the
Show time in various forms:
Fri Feb 13 18:59:59 2009
2009-02-13 18:59:59-05
2009-02-13 18:59:59.012-05
2009-02-13 23:59:59Z
2009-02-13 23:59:59.012Z
2009-02-13 23:59:60.012Z
2009-02-13 18:59:60-05
2009-02-13 23:59:59+00
2009-02-14 05:14:59+05:15
2009-02-14 05:14:59.012345678+05:15
Show a DST switch (Central Europe, October 1996):
1996-10-26 23:30:00Z = 1996-10-27 01:30:00+02
1996-10-27 00:00:00Z = 1996-10-27 02:00:00+02
1996-10-27 00:30:00Z = 1996-10-27 02:30:00+02
1996-10-27 01:00:00Z = 1996-10-27 02:00:00+01
1996-10-27 01:30:00Z = 1996-10-27 02:30:00+01
1996-10-27 02:00:00Z = 1996-10-27 03:00:00+01
1996-10-27 02:30:00Z = 1996-10-27 03:30:00+01
Thanks for the many valuable suggestions. Since I know now finally, why localtime() uses call-by-reference, I feel very comfortable with breaking
the consistency with this legacy interface.
Do you see any other portability or elegance problems?
Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Science grad student, Purdue
University, Indiana, USA -- email: kuhn(a)
* Example implementation of the RFC xxxx profile of ISO 8601
* ASCII standard date and time representation in ANSI/ISO C.
* This implementation is only an informal appendix of RFC xxxx and not
* part of the standard. This is an early draft version, do not use
* this in products yet.
* Please send comments for improvement to
* Markus Kuhn <kuhn(a)>
* Thanks for suggestions to:
* Chris Newman <Chris.Newman(a)>
* Ken Pizzini <ken(a)>
* Antoine Leca <Antoine.Leca(a)>
* $Id: demo8601.c,v 1.1 1997-01-15 22:02:37-05 kuhn Exp $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
* Create an ISO 8601 time string conforming to the RFC xxxx profile
* Input:
* t the time that will be written as returned by time()
* utc if true, then UTC instead of local time will be shown
* nsec nanoseconds since start of current second or 0 if unknown
* prec number of digits (0..9) for decimal fractions of the
* second (set to 0 if nsec is unknown)
* Output:
* s time string with strlen(buf) < 36
* When time_t does not allow to encode leap seconds (like in POSIX),
* you can use the value of second 59 in t and add 1000000000 to nsec
* in order to represent a leap second. If input or libary errors
* are detected, NULL will be returned, otherwise a pointer to the
* output string. If buf is NULL, the time string will be written to
* a local buffer. This function is not multithreading safe.
* Markus Kuhn <kuhn(a)>, 1997
char *
create_timestring(char *s, time_t t, int utc, long nsec, unsigned prec)
char *buf, buffer[36];
struct tm ltm, utm, *tmp;
long offset;
/* safety checks */
s = buf = (s == NULL) ? buffer : s;
*buf = '\0';
if (nsec < 0 || nsec > 1999999999L)
return NULL;
if (prec > 9)
prec = 9;
/* convert time */
if ((tmp = gmtime(&t)) == NULL)
return NULL;
utm = ltm = *tmp;
if (!utc)
ltm = *localtime(&t);
/* leap second handling */
if (nsec > 1000000000L) {
nsec -= 1000000000L;
/* basic format */
buf += strftime(buf, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", utc ? &utm : <m);
if (prec > 0) {
sprintf(buf, ".%09ld", nsec);
buf += prec + 1;
/* time zone offset */
if (utc) {
*(buf++) = 'Z';
*buf = '\0';
} else {
/* we assume without check that the offset is less than 24 hours */
offset = ltm.tm_yday - utm.tm_yday;
if (offset > 1)
offset = -24;
else if (offset < -1)
offset = 24;
offset *= 24;
offset += ltm.tm_hour - utm.tm_hour;
offset *= 60;
offset += ltm.tm_min - utm.tm_min;
sprintf(buf, "%+03ld", offset / 60); /* hour offset */
buf += 3;
if (offset < 0)
offset = -offset;
offset %= 60;
if (offset != 0)
sprintf(buf, ":%02ld", offset); /* minute offset */
return s;
/* Some test code */
int main()
char buf[50];
time_t now;
time_t last_dst_hour;
int i;
puts("Show time in various forms:\n");
now = 1234569599L; /* on POSIX this is 2009-02-13 23:59:59Z */
create_timestring(buf, now, 0, 0, 0); puts(buf);
create_timestring(buf, now, 0, 12345678, 3); puts(buf);
create_timestring(buf, now, 1, 0, 0); puts(buf);
create_timestring(buf, now, 1, 12345678, 3); puts(buf);
create_timestring(buf, now, 1, 1012345678, 3); puts(buf); /* leap */
create_timestring(buf, now, 0, 1012345678, 0); puts(buf); /* leap */
create_timestring(buf, now, 0, 0, 0); puts(buf);
create_timestring(buf, now, 0, 0, 0); puts(buf);
create_timestring(buf, now, 0, 12345678, 9); puts(buf);
puts("\nShow a DST switch (Central Europe, October 1996):\n");
last_dst_hour = (((26L * 365) + 6 + 300) * 24) * 3600;
for (i = -1; i <= 5; i++) {
printf("%s = ",
create_timestring(NULL, last_dst_hour + i * 1800, 1, 0, 0));
puts(create_timestring(NULL, last_dst_hour + i * 1800, 0, 0, 0));
return 0;